Career Education and Work (CEW) Program Mission Statement
To provide students with exciting educational opportunities both in and out of the classroom setting to learn more about future career possibilities; while also meeting required Pennsylvania Career Education and Work Standards.
The Career Education and Work Standards, Chapter 4 of Title 22, are part of the State Board of Education’s regulations of required education for all students in Pennsylvania.
CEW Pennsylvania Reporting Requirements
5th Grade: Six or more pieces of evidence must be accumulated by the end of 5th grade.
8th Grade: All K-5 band evidence must be completed, plus six additional pieces of evidence are to be completed by the end of 8th grade. One of the pieces of evidence must be an individual career plan (Student Annual Goal Sheet).
11th Grade: All K-5 and 6-8 band evidence must be completed, plus eight additional pieces of evidence. One of the pieces of evidence must be an individual career plan (Student Annual Goal Sheet). In 11th grade students are also required to complete a career project.
**By the end of 11th grade, students should have accumulated 20 or more pieces of evidence! Evidence of complete student activities must be reported to the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS).**